Meet An Adoptable Dog

About Me

Name: Sarena
Gender: Female
Breed: miniature poodle
Estimated Birthdate: 12/16/2020
Height: about 12" at the shoulder
Weight:  Est 16 lbs
Good with dogs: Very good, dogs are her best friends
Good with cats: Sarena has never met a cat, but we think she would not mind one
Good with kids: Sarena has no experience that we know of with kids. We believe they would scare her
Good with men: Sarena is learning humans, all kinds of humans.  She really has no preference women over men
Good with women: Sarena is learning humans, all kinds of humans.  She really has no preference women over men
House trained: No not yet but we are working on it
Crate trained: Yes and life is better if one of her girlfriends joins her for sleepovers at night. She is always cuddled up with another dog
Leash trained: No not yet
Must have fenced in yard: Without exception


Sarena was sent to us by her breeder who is retiring.  Sarena has lived life quietly in the country, surrounded by the companionship of her own kind and with only a few humans to get to know.  She got a canine form of sticker shock when she found out how many more of us there are!  She is fascinated by us but not yet ready for a full-time home.

Sarena is a new breed of SOS dog for us - the young dog who, because of a quiet upbringing, is not yet ready to be a pet.  She has come a long way already since arriving in September of this year but not quite ready yet to make the transition.  She will be - but when is at her own pace, and in her own time.

Sarena does have a weakness we are using to our own advantage.  CHEESE!  She loves cheese.  Once a dog is food motivated, it's amazing what can happen with them.  

Sarena is opening up more and more every day.  She accepts pets and picking up from those she trusts and is very easy to groom.  She definitely thrives in the company of other dogs, and you can often find Caliopy and Sarena galloping the yard, racing not for a prize but for the joy of feeling the wind in their faces.  

We have milestone markers set up for Sarena and as she masters these skills, she will start her own search for perfect for her.  She needs to walk into the adoption center on a leash without flinching or cowering. She needs to ride in a car (in a crate is just fine, car seat preferred) without anxiety. She needs to be able to go to Petsmart or Tractor Supply and walk through the aisles.  Finally, we hope to take her for a walk at a local park where she will meet "strangers" (we set these strangers up by the way, trusted volunteers or staff she has not met yet) and she will greet without running away.  Once she has mastered these skills, Sarena will be ready for one of you.  In the meantime, your support of our SOS program means dogs like Sarena get all the time they need.  You buy them that time.  


Can’t have a dog of your own? Have a soft spot for old, sick or hard to place dogs? It only takes a $20 a month donation for me to be your virtual dog!  I need at least 10 virtual adopters (sponsors) to help cover my monthly costs.  If I have medical challenges I need even more!  The caregivers at Carolina Poodle Rescue will do the rest.  Just think, without ever having to leave your home, you can have your very own online dog that will send you update emails, make Facebook posts, and be eternally grateful for your support!  Go to the donate link at the top of the page for instructions as to how to donate. Questions? Email:

I LOVE MY Virtual Adopters! Sarena is looking for her virtual family
