Meet An Adoptable Dog

About Me

Name: Rodney Dec 24
Sex: Male
Spayed/ Neutered: No - Based on his age and size he is not neutered and will not be neutered prior to adoption. He will be adopted on a spay/neuter addendum that requires you to neuter him within 9 months at your cost and provide proof of neuter.
Breed: Chihuahua / Mixed (medium coat)
Weight: 2.5 lbs and growing - we estimate Rodney will be between 10-12 lbs when full grown
Height: 6 in and growing - we estimate Rodney will be about 12 inches when full grown
Estimated Birthdate: 11/22/2024
Fence Needed: No
Location: Dreamweaver Farms, Pacolet SC
Adoption Fee: $299

My Story

Date into Rescue: 12/28/24

Reason for being in rescue:  Hoarder seizure/owner overdosed on scene

Special Needs: Rodney is up to date on vaccines for his age. We know that Rodney is part chihuahua. We don't know what he is mixed with, only that he is 100% cuteness. He is absolutely not hypoallergenic and does shed. 

What kind of home would be best for me: Rodney requires a home with another small, active dog for socialization and play. A person scheduled away from home for no more than 4 hours per day and can provide multiple potty breaks throughout the day and night is a must. He is a baby and needs play breaks as well as frequent and consistent potty times to aid in potty training. If you have children, they need to be older than 7 for this small boy.

What is my personality like: Rodney and a whole lot of his family members were seized in a hoarding case after the owners of the home he was in overdosed. To say that he was born into filth, clutter and chaos would be an understatement. Thankfully, he did not live in these conditions for very long and is learning quickly that clean living conditions, plenty of food and water and lots of loving caregiving are a good thing.

Rodney is a typical puppy - eat, sleep, play, and poop. He is very playful and adventurous but not as adventurous and mischievous as his sister Kate. In fact, he is the shyest of his siblings. Rodney enjoys playing with his siblings and is warming up to the idea of people. He still enjoys the company of his siblings more than people, but is learning that people are pretty fun too.


Thank you for carefully considering the addition of a puppy to your family. Puppies can be a joyous experience, but they can also be a tremendous amount of work. Since our goal is to place each of our dogs in forever homes, we are especially cautious with puppies. We like to stress 3 major things when considering a puppy vs. an adult dog: 1) many adult dogs are well bred, well trained dogs who find themselves in rescue through no fault of their own, 2) adult dogs are eager to share their love and bond with their new family, and 3) puppies will always require far more time, energy, and training than an adult dog.

Our ideal puppy adopters are:

-experienced dog owners with a solid record of excellent vet care of their previous pets

-scheduled away from home for no more than 4 hours per day and have another canine companion already in the home

-stay at home type of people (work at home, home schoolers, retired, etc)

How do I act when I first meet new people: Rodney is shy. He takes time to warm up to people. He will be most happy to meet your dog!

Tips and Tidbits: There was no information or records found on the scene when Rodney was seized by animal control.  Our vets and staff have estimated his birthdate to be 11/22/24 based on teeth and overall behavior.  

House trained: Dogs can be house trained if they are in the right environment and are allowed to follow a schedule as long as a physical reason doesn't keep them from being trained.  A dog house trained in my home may not be in yours. We will help you teach your new dog this necessary skill and based on your schedule.

Potential Adopters

Please note - we do not ship or transport our dogs. If you are interested in adopting a dog, take a look at the distance between the dog's location and your location and make sure you are able to make the trip.

Thank you for your interest in a dog who needs a new home. This description contains all that we currently know about this dog. We have no perfect dogs - but many of our dogs have proven to be perfect for a certain someone. We urge all of our potential adopters not to fall in love with a picture. When screening applications, we look at the entire home and then make suggestions based on what would be a good fit for your home. You are not being screened for a specific dog although we are looking to see what type of dog interests you - poodles or non poodles, age, temperament, personality, etc. Our goal is to match you with the best possible pet for you and your home. We want to create furever families.

If you would like to receiving our monthly newsletters and learn more about how to support dogs in need, please email or fill out our contact form and ask to join our mailing list.

Thank you for considering CPR!