Meet An Adoptable Dog

About Me

Name: Blaze Oct 24
Sex: Male
Spayed/ Neutered: Yes
Breed: Poodle (Standard) (long coat)
Weight: 51 lbs
Height: 24 in
Estimated Birthdate: 3/1/2024
Fence Needed: Yes, Blaze requires a physically fenced yard with fencing 4 feet or taller.
Location: In Foster in Wilmington, NC
Adoption Fee: $599

My Story

Date into Rescue:10/7/2024

Reason for being in rescue: Breeder release, Pups that did not sell.

Special Needs: Blaze is neutered, up to date on vaccines and heartworm negative.

What kind of home would be best for me: H

andsome Blaze is a young dog that is very light on life experiences. He needs a special home where his human will be his constant companion and teacher. His ideal adopter will have an abundance of patience, love, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, calmness, and empathy. It’s essential that Blaze’s family has experience with shy or special-needs dogs, as he requires gentle guidance to build his confidence.

Currently, Blaze is fearful of many things and will need time and encouragement to feel secure. He’s not yet comfortable approaching people for pets or treats, so his new family should be skilled in helping timid dogs blossom. A confident dog in the household is required, as it can help Blaze learn how to navigate the world and understand what it means to be a beloved pet.

Given his anxious nature, Blaze would thrive in a home without children, where sudden noises and movements won’t startle him. Ideally, his adopter would be a single person or a couple dedicated to helping him grow through compassionate teaching. His adopter MUST be experienced in working with developing dogs from a mistrustful, skittish, and fearful dog into a well-trained pet.

What is my personality like: 

Meet big Blaze, a shy and timid guy who came to us as a breeder release and is just beginning to discover what it means to be a dog. Blaze has only known life in a breeding environment. He has a long road ahead in terms of social adjustment and learning to embrace life as a beloved pet. Blaze is reserved, timid, and shy when interacting with both animals and people. Everything is new and can be a bit scary for him. Here at CPR, Blaze is starting to learn about love, companionship, and the joys of being a dog.

Blaze despises being on a leash and will fight you every step of the way, even rolling over and over like an alligator does when captured. In fairness, he has likely never been on a leash and these reactions are common in fear. Blaze will need much training in all areas so, again, experienced dog owners are a must for him.

Blaze has a deep desire for love and affection, but his fear holds him back. With patience and kindness, you can help him feel safe enough to take that leap. If you’re an experienced dog owner ready to guide Blaze on his journey to becoming the loving companion he’s meant to be, please consider opening your heart and home to him. Adopting Blaze means transforming his life and helping him write his redemption story.

How do I act when I first meet new people: When meeting new people, Blaze typically retreats. He has a gentle soul and it’s obvious he dearly wants to trust people. 

Although he may seem distant, his longing for connection is clear. With time and trust, Blaze has the potential to become the sweetest, most loving dog you could ever imagine.

Tips and Tidbits: Blaze was born on or around 3/1/2024.

House trained: Dogs can be house trained if they are in the right environment and are allowed to follow a schedule if a physical reason doesn't keep them from being trained.  A dog house trained in my home may not be in yours. We will help you teach your new dog this necessary skill and based on your schedule.

Potential Adopters

Please note - we do not ship or transport our dogs. If you are interested in adopting a dog, take a look at the distance between the dog's location and your location and make sure you are able to make the trip.

Thank you for your interest in a dog who needs a new home. This description contains all that we currently know about this dog. We have no perfect dogs - but many of our dogs have proven to be perfect for a certain someone. We urge all of our potential adopters not to fall in love with a picture. When screening applications, we look at the entire home and then make suggestions based on what would be a good fit for your home. You are not being screened for a specific dog although we are looking to see what type of dog interests you - poodles or non poodles, age, temperament, personality, etc. Our goal is to match you with the best possible pet for you and your home. We want to create furever families.

If you would like to receiving our monthly newsletters and learn more about how to support dogs in need, please email or fill out our contact form and ask to join our mailing list.

Thank you for considering CPR!