Braxton lived with a group of people in upstate South Carolina who themselves have many challenges. Born most likely to a commercial breeder, the puppy was shipped to a pet store in South Carolina and sold to a lady who loved him but had many problems she was trying to deal with. The pup quickly started spending more time at grandma’s house then he did at home and would have been happy with grandma but when his human died, her partner ended up with him and that is how he ended up living in a group home. So many changes for just 3 years old.
He was being fed at least and loved on and occasionally groomed but not much else. The home was loud and noisy and the humans were often absent or indisposed yet the little guy made the best of it and kept his sunny disposition no matter what.
Then came April Fool’s Day 2019. Braxton’s four feet refused to get him up that morning so a visit to a vet revealed that he needed lots of diagnostics that the owner could not afford. He refused any further treatment.
When a long time family friend who had known Braxton since a little, tiny puppy found out about the little poodle’s latest medical condition, she ordered a wheelchair for Braxton. Then, even with the new chair, when she found out that no one was really watching him, expressing his bladder or giving him the medications he desperately needed, she convinced the owner that Braxton needed more than they could give and that it was best for Braxton to move on. He finally agreed.
Which brought us to today. A vet visit at UGA has shown us that there is one of three things going on for Braxton. An MRI will tell the full tale and, with your help, we can have that done tomorrow. Braxton needs the MRI to be able to tell which direction to go in with treatment. He will most likely never walk on his own again but we can make him comfortable.
Braxton’s 3 possibilities are (1) IVDD (Canine Intervertebral Disc Disease) where two or more of his discs have slipped together and are compressing the spinal cord, keeping feeling from getting to his back feet. Treatment will be pain management. Our own SOS Valerie has IVDD. (2) The second possibility is much more serious and is called MUE or meningoencephalitis – an inflammatory condition of the meninges and brain that affects dogs. If this is the case, then Braxton’s condition is very grave. We need to know if it is mild or severe and a whole different medical regimen has to go into place. (3) and the least likely is that there is some sort of trauma to the back that has broken Braxton’s back. Vets don’t feel this is it but it is a slight possibility.
We hoped Braxton would be a candidate for surgery but now we know he needs an MRI and, if the MRI does not show IVDD, then a spinal tap to check for meningitis. Our estimated spend to find out exactly what is wrong with this little guy is $3,000. A whole lot of us, working together, can get Braxton the diagnostics he needs to go on to live the days he can as best as he can.
Our team of 8 humans and 8 dogs will run in the mud, climb through the tunnels, crawl under the fences and trudge up the hills. We will do it all to help Braxton and his buddies get the medical care he needs. $16 from many, many caring people will get us through the obstacles in ours and their path’s and go on to create bright futures.
We do what we do only because of you <3
To donate to Luna’s Legacy Medical Fund, please text luna to 41444 for a quick and easy smart phone link
Or visit Luna’s link at
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Donations made to Luna’s Legacy Medical Fund are used for the medical needs of the animals at Dreamweaver Farms, home of Carolina Poodle Rescue.