Chewy’s Adoption Story: Part 2

8/26/2018 – Jonathan gets back with me.  Sometimes no means maybe. 

Thank you for that info! I will run it by my producer. We are on a time crunch. 

Is there any chance you could send me pictures of some of your hypoallergenic dogs? I know you’re super busy but we would love to show the family potential new family members! 

And in regards to contracts, my producer would know more about that, but we make sure to fulfill all necessary steps with the rescue shelters to make sure every party involved is satisfied. 

Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you! 

08/27/2018 – But is it a good home? 

Good morning Donna, 

Thank you for getting back to me, I really appreciate your help!. 

The family has a fenced in yard, an active lifestyle, 6 year old twins, no other animals at home, and both parents are experienced dog owners. 

I hope that helps with picking the dogs. They are leaning more towards doodle mixes. 

Are you available to speak on the phone with my producer and I? 

Thank you again, 


And that lead to a phone conversation that, on 8/28/2018, put me into a vehicle with 3 doodles, a standard poodle and Luna headed for long time CPR supporters Katie and Jamie Wilson’s house in – New Jersey.   

Katie and Jamie live less than 3 miles from the filming site, the home of George and Ali, our prospective doodle owners.  As with so many other CPR volunteers, when they heard I was coming they immediately opened their home to host this traveling reality show menagerie.  Katie and Jamie have been supporting and volunteering with CPR for a very long time but this time, they not only wanted to help but had their own adoption agenda.   


– Donna Ezzell, Director